facing south
May 2, 2006 -
Several have asked for links to all the installments of our ongoing coverage of the May Day "Day Without Immigrants" events in the South: May Day: The Great Boycott Debate
May 2, 2006 -
Wow! A couple of interesting days here at Facing South and around the nation. I won't try to recap all the news pouring in from around the country about the "Day Without Immigrants" yesterday.
March 27, 2006 -
Chris wanted me to let everyone know that he is taking the week off for some well deserved R&R. Blogging will be lighter than usual, although he may pop up from time to time. I'm sure there will be plenty to talk about in his absence, so keep checking back.
January 18, 2006 -
Today, we cross-posted at DKos the news -- published earlier here at Facing South -- that the Supreme Court had decided against hearing South Carolina activist Brett Bursey's appeal over 2002 charges that he posed a &quo
January 4, 2006 -
Facing South kicked off 2006 with a glitch over our domain name. Karl Rove has been mentioned as the culprit, but this is not confirmed.
December 25, 2005 -
Holiday greetings, y'all. Blogging will be extra light over the next week as Facing South takes some much-needed R&R. See you in the New Year!
December 19, 2005 -
I've started getting emails from readers, letting me know that they're nominating Facing South for the 2005 Koufax Awards. (Thank you.)