facing south
June 10, 2005 -
As reported in yesterday's Facing South email newsletter, Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) -- a former telephone company executive -- has introduced a bill that would ban free or low-cost "Community Internet" across the country.
June 10, 2005 -
Here's the Institute Index for this week's issue of the Institute's Facing South email newsletter. If you don't already get it, sign up in the upper right hand corner -- it's free!
May 25, 2005 -
Are you a progressive Southern blogger? Know of a good blog operating from the Southland?
May 20, 2005 -
EDITOR'S NOTE: We are pleased to welcome David Fellerath, one of our favorite movie critics who is based at our fabulous local Independent Weekly.
May 19, 2005 -
Greetings Facing South readers, especially new readers coming in from DKos, CounterPunch, Cursor and elsewhere. We're glad to have you here at the blog of the Institute for Southern Studies, a progressive research, education and action center.
May 13, 2005 -
A Special Report from Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies The Pentagon announced today its much-anticipated list of recommended base closures -- 180 military installations in all, a move the Department of Defense says will save almost $50 billion over 20 years.
May 13, 2005 -
Two days ago Facing South blogged about the temporary grounding of the parental consent bill in the Texas Legislature. The reprieve proved to be a very short one.