facing south
December 20, 2011 -
Can you help us meet our $7,000 goal? Support fearless media and a voice for change in the South with a gift to the Institute Investigative Fund today!
December 16, 2011 -
Invest in fearless journalism and a powerful voice for change in the South -- help us raise $7,000 by Wednesday 22nd for the Institute Investigative Fund!
November 22, 2011 -
As we get ready for the Thanksgiving holidays, we give thanks to you, our readers, and look back at a few of Facing South's biggest stories this fall.
November 17, 2011 -
In the ongoing wars over immigration and redistricting, Louisiana filed a lawsuit this week which challenges the very idea of counting undocumented residents as "persons" in drawing up Congressional maps.
November 10, 2011 -
North Carolina powerbroker Art Pope is often described as a "libertarian," but he's veered from libertarian views on gay marriage, pouring nearly $1 million into anti-gay marriage organizations -- including the group spearheading an anti-marriage amendment campaign in North Carolina.
November 9, 2011 -
Both Democrats and Republicans can point to victories in key 2011 Southern contests; also, the mixed results in Mississippi ballot initiatives.
November 3, 2011 -
The Department of Justice has largely taken a hands-off approach to state redistricting plans. But when it comes to photo ID laws and other voting rights issues in the South, the DOJ has emerged as a key player.