julian bond
February 12, 2009 -
By Julian BondThe following is excerpted from a speech to the AFL-CIO 25th Constitutional Convention in July, 2007.I know the mutual benefits that grew from the historic alliance between organized labor and the movement for civil rights--benefits we all must work to strengthen and extend today.
December 1, 2008 -
Civil rights veteran and co-founder of the institute for Southern Studies Julian Bond reflects on the meaning of Barack Obama’s victory
October 10, 2005 -
December 1, 2005 marks the 50th anniversary of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. That's the day when Rosa Parks, a former secretary for the local NAACP, boarded the Cleveland Avenue bus in downtown Montgomery, and refused to give up her seat for a white passenger.
By The Editors
March 1, 1999 -
How has the South changed in the last 25 years? Or has it really changed at all? And what would it take to make a better South than we have today?
March 1, 1993 -
By emphasizing economic analysis and by letting people speak in their own words, Southern Exposure has influenced how others see and write about the South.
February 1, 1984 -
This article originally appeared in Southern Exposure Vol. 12 No.
February 1, 1984 -
This article originally appeared in Southern Exposure Vol. 12 No.