June 28, 2005 -
Gov. Jeb Bush has vetoed three bills designed to check the governor's power to hand out multi-million-dollar contracts for state government work. The bills were passed nearly unanimously in the Republican-dominated legislature, raising the possibility that the legislature could vote to override Bush's veto.
June 27, 2005 -
The Hillsborough County (Fla.) commission recently voted "not to acknowledge, promote or participate in gay pride events." Right after the July 15 vote, two gay literature displays in the Tampa public library were taken down (a similar display at another library was taken down before the vote).
June 27, 2005 -
Courtesy of the Texas Observer: "I've already yielded more than a cheerleader at a drive-in." -Sen. Kel Seliger (R-Amarillo) on the Senate floor.
June 27, 2005 -
Everyone has heard about Philadelphia, Mississippi, site of the 1964 killings of civil rights activists Michael Schwerner, James Chaney, and Andrew Goodman, but most of the suspects (including the triggerman, Wayne Roberts) were from Meridian, a town with its own
June 27, 2005 -
One hundred years ago today in the city of Chicago, Eugene Debs, "Big Bill" Haywood, and other union leaders launched one of the most dynamic and radical efforts to organize workers in our country's history -- the Industrial Workers of the World, later dubbed "The Wobblies." Their goal, as stated at the first convention: forming "One Big Union" that could lead to "the emancipation of the working class from the slave bondage of capitalism.&q
June 24, 2005 -
[Ed. Note: It's that time of the week again -- time for more Friday Film Blogging from the Independent Weekly's David Fellerath.]
June 24, 2005 -
Fresh off the anti-war awakening of Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC), another North State Republican has given progressive bloggers something to chatter about.