July 12, 2005 -
In case you missed this story from Sparta, Tenn., last week:
July 11, 2005 -
The Texas Senate just cut property taxes by $4.8 billion, a cut similar to a proposal by Gov. Rick Perry and to legislation already passed in the House. According to the Houston Chronicle,
July 8, 2005 -
Today's Guardian (London) has one of the most damning pieces you'll read about the wholesale looting of billions of dollars in Iraq by U.S. occupation authorities and corporate contractors -- the story almost completely ignored by the U.S.
July 8, 2005 -
[A warm "howdy" to resident film critic David Fellerath of the Independent Weekly, who reports on this week's movie news.]
July 8, 2005 -
I'm not sure which is more dubious: that Halliburton has received another $5 billion contract for logistics support in Iraq, despite being under multiple investigations for fraud, overcharges and abuse -- or that the Army didn't feel move
July 7, 2005 -
Progressives in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill metro area will want to check out this event next week: On Tuesday, July 12 scholar/activist and Institute friend Paul Ortiz will be discussing his much-anticipated book Emanc
July 6, 2005 -
Given the Bush Administration's inaction on global warming -- his belated acknowledgement this week that human pollution may be a problem notwithstanding -- one has to look for hopeful signs elsewhere that lawmakers take this issue seriously.