June 21, 2005 -
Amtrak isn't the only transportation system whose service to small-town and rural areas is at risk. "The Greyhound has always been the savior of small-town America," notes the St. Petersburg Times. But not for long.
June 21, 2005 -
The recent spate of thefts and lost records at banks and credit companies, which have rendered millions of consumers vulnerable to fraud and identity theft, is nothing new. From Inner City Press:
June 21, 2005 -
It's been at least a few hours since Gary or I blogged about the Senate lynching resolution scandal, so I feel moved to weigh in with one more thought, this one about the regional character of the Lack
June 21, 2005 -
It's been at least a few hours since Gary or I blogged about the Senate lynching resolution scandal, so I feel moved to weigh in with one more thought, this one about the regional character of
June 20, 2005 -
Bob Geary of the Independent Weekly reports that payday lending in North Carolina is alive and well. This upstanding "industry" preys on people living paycheck-to-paycheck, giving them "advances" on future wages with effective interest rates of up to 400 percent.
June 20, 2005 -
Note that this is a recent mayor of Philadelphia, Miss. From the AP (via the Nashville Tennessean):
June 20, 2005 -
The Mobile Register has produced an excellent package of reports on mercury contamination in Alabama's "Chemical Alley," much of it originating at the Olin Corp.'s plant in McIntosh, Ala.