July 24, 2006 -
A key piece often missing from the immigration debate -- re
July 21, 2006 -
Taking a cue from the ugly national debate over immigrant, a little-noticed story is the spread of local and state ordinances aimed at immigrants. The Daytona Beach News-Journal sums up the trend in an editorial today:
July 21, 2006 -
As we approach the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, it's a good time to stop and reflect: whatever happened to that "dialogue about poverty and race" that the 2005 storms were supposed to inject into the national debate?
July 20, 2006 -
Real estate investors looking to cash in on foreclosures note rising foreclosure rates around the South:
July 20, 2006 -
Read the amusing account here. Feel free to make up your own jokes.
July 20, 2006 -
At the request of Gov. Kathleen Blanco, the Louisiana Civil Service Commission has raised the minimum wage for all state workers to $6.15 per hour, one dollar more than the federal minimum wage. The new minimum wage will go into effect in August.
July 20, 2006 -
On its way to being passed in the House, the Voting Rights Act renewal was almost gutted by a coalition of Southern legislators. It survived intact and is now on its way to the Senate for approval. Bush indicates he will sign it.