August 7, 2006 -
In one of the strongest statements by a major political figure, former Sen.
August 7, 2006 -
The following continues our special coverage of the one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, which will be marked on August 29, 2006.
August 7, 2006 -
Three weeks from Tuesday will mark the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Aside from the occasional Anderson Cooper visit, public attention has largely drifted from the Gulf Coast -- but the aftermath of the storms is still deeply felt by the region's residents, both those who have returned and those still scattered across the country.
August 4, 2006 -
When debate was sizzling last year over the Central American Free Trade Agreement -- passed by a 217-215 vote in the U.S.
August 3, 2006 -
TVA is asking customers to conserve:
August 3, 2006 -
You may recall our profile and interview with college Democrat Alex Youn here at Facing South last year. He's an interesting young man with a lot of energy, and he's pretty smart about politics.
August 2, 2006 -
As we've noted on this blog before, one issue rarely discussed in major political debates -- but one which has had a huge impact on politics in the South -- is felon disenfranchisement.