July 27, 2006 -
At least there are some positive side benefits to otherwise silly or downright ugly election year politics:
July 27, 2006 -
By way of C.E. Petro, Mother Jones has a report on some statistics entitled "How the poor get dinged at every turn." Here is a random sampling:
July 26, 2006 -
Houston-based Halliburton, which to many had become synonymous with "contract abuse" after high-profile scandals in Iraq, may finally be taking a financial hit for its controversial dealings.
July 26, 2006 -
News that car makers Nissan, GM and Renault SA may be teaming up for a "global alliance" is making waves in the auto industry, especially among workers.
July 25, 2006 -
Several states around the South are offering sales tax holidays for back-to-school purchases this year, including four for the first time:
July 25, 2006 -
According to this article, the State of Louisiana recently gave teachers in the state a $1500 pay raise, but the Southern Regional Education Board says the state still lags behind other Southern states in teacher salaries:
July 24, 2006 -
Global warming is back on the agenda -- thanks not only to Al Gore's successful documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," but also as people welter under punishing, record-breaking heat.