January 19, 2012 -
More than three years after a disaster at a Tennessee power plant, the Obama administration still has not issued promised protections from coal ash hazards. Environmental groups plan to sue to spur action.
January 19, 2012 -
The same week that a campaign launched to defeat an anti-gay marriage amendment in North Carolina, conservative benefactor Art Pope is slinking away from evidence that his family foundation has been a key funder of the groups pushing the constitutional change -- including a North Carolina
January 18, 2012 -
The frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination speaks out against government dependency, but companies acquired by his Bain Capital firm sought taxpayer handouts in the form of subsidies from local governments and states including Louisiana, North Carolina and Florida.
January 17, 2012 -
The N.C. Attorney General says the utility giant's proposed 7.2% rate hike unfairly favors investors over ordinary consumers, while public-interest groups accuse the company of taking from the poor to give to Google and other corporate energy hogs.
January 16, 2012 -
In the final months of his life, Dr. King launched a Poor People's Campaign for economic justice with a familiar strategy: Occupying the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
January 13, 2012 -
At the request of the state's attorney general, a judge in Mississippi this week blocked outgoing Gov. Haley Barbour's release of 21 prisoners over concerns that proper public notice was not given.
January 12, 2012 -
The Department of Justice has stepped up its involvement on voting rights in challenging voter ID laws. But the cases may push debate over the Voting Rights Act into a hostile Supreme Court.