August 18, 2005 -
To the chagrin of the Bush Administration - and to the discomfort of Democrats who don't have a clear stand - Cindy Sheehan's encampment in Texas is still drawing huge numbers, getting big media coverage and stirring national controversy about the Iraq war. The Drudge Report is back to blaring, all-caps headlines attacking Sheehan - always a clear sign that the right-wing establishment feels they are in deep crisis mode and losing the war for public opinion.The New York Times filed a revealing piece today about changing public sentiment, and Sheehan's role:
August 15, 2005 -
The backlash is in full force against Cindy Sheehan, the mother of killed soldier Casey Sheehan looking for face time with our vacationing President. The signs of the backlash are all around:
August 12, 2005 -
Well, actually, I do.
August 12, 2005 -
Texas is viewed by some as the politically "reddest state in the country" (and they don't mean communist). But a news report today suggests this won't last:
August 9, 2005 -
You've probably heard about Cindy Sheehan, mother of Casey Sheehan, who was killed in Iraq, is camping out next to George Bush's "ranch" demanding some one-on-one time. Retired Special Forces Sgt. Stan Goff is calling for a nation-wide campaign: George Bush is on vacation. Cindy Sheehan is on his case.
August 8, 2005 -
Those who follow state politics are often amazed at how, even in states where progressives have some strength, the conservative right is successful in pushing its agenda. Especially in the South, the right often seems uncannily organized and effective in promoting a core set of legislation, even in the face of broad opposition among the public and other lawmakers.
July 29, 2005 -
The saga surrounding Rep. Charles Taylor (R-NC) and his missing vote against CAFTA is taking some interesting new turns. Taylor continues to insist that he tried to vote against the trade deal, but that his voting card didn't work.