Work and Economy
February 5, 2015 -
While unions in the South have followed the national trend of declining membership, they have also made recent gains in the region. Meanwhile, demographic changes are underway that offer more hope for labor organizing.
February 2, 2015 -
There's a connection between the way restaurant servers are paid and the high rate of sexual harassment they experience.
January 30, 2015 -
With income inequality getting renewed attention from the public and policymakers, a new report by the Economic Analysis and Research Network takes a state-by-state look at the problem -- and finds that Southern states are among those where the income gap has grown most dramatically.
January 28, 2015 -
As the cries of "what part of illegal don't you understand" escalate, Aviva Chomsky reminds us that the concept of illegal immigration only came into existence 50 years ago.
January 23, 2015 -
A new report by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy finds that the tax systems in all 50 states worsen economic inequality by taxing the wealthy at a lower rate than working families -- and several of the states with the most regressive tax systems are in the South.
January 23, 2015 -
Numerous states are facing likely budget shortfalls, but some of those facing the most serious problems are hamstrung in crafting solutions by political leaders opposed to new taxes and by regressive tax systems that rely on struggling working-class families.
January 21, 2015 -
A new report from the conservation advocacy group Oceana finds that developing offshore wind resources along the Atlantic Coast would create twice as many jobs and produce twice as much energy as opening the area to risky oil and gas drilling -- and North Carolina stands to gain the most jobs of all.