November 18, 2019 -
The Trump administration is taking comments on proposals to ease coal ash regulations that the EPA adopted after the catastrophic 2008 spill at a Tennessee Valley Authority power plant in East Tennessee. Critics say the proposed rules would take a toll on public health by allowing more pollution, and on the public purse by letting utilities shift costs.
October 23, 2019 -
Officials in Tennessee and Virginia allowed a hospital monopoly to form on the borders of their states, promising that any negative effects would be counteracted by state regulation. But is that realistic?
October 17, 2019 -
At a recent affordable housing summit in North Carolina, local officials discussed how to prevent displacement and gentrification despite being hamstrung by conservative state governments.
September 4, 2019 -
A gathering of conservative anti-death penalty activists in New Orleans this month could help shift the debate over capital punishment in Louisiana and across the South.
August 29, 2019 -
They are turning to the courts to challenge a controversial new state law that imposes civil penalties on groups and individuals who submit incomplete voter registration forms. The law was passed after a successful effort to register more young people and African Americans for the 2018 midterm election.
August 2, 2019 -
As the alarming number of murders of transgender people, particularly women of color, mounts, Southern lawmakers have continued to push measures that discriminate against the transgender community. But in North Carolina, a federal judge recently approved a settlement that reverses controversial restrictions on transgender rights.
May 24, 2019 -
As the movement for criminal justice reform takes center stage ahead of the 2020 elections, governors and legislators in the South are offering reforms to create a more welcoming reentry process after prison and to restore rights stripped from ex-felons — though progress on that front faces backlash in Florida.