marco rubio
November 12, 2013 -
As part of the Affordable Care Act, the federal government is giving money to nonprofits to help people sign up for insurance. Conservatives accuse the program of collecting sensitive information to benefit the Democratic Party. Is there any substance to the charges?
August 2, 2013 -
In legislatures from North Carolina to Texas, lawmakers are targeting women's constitutional right to end unwanted pregnancies.
January 4, 2013 -
A by-the-numbers look at the so-called "fiscal cliff" deal approved at the 11th hour by Congress shows that the wealthy and corporate interests got some big breaks.
October 17, 2012 -
A large oil sheen in the Gulf of Mexico reported by watchdogs as far back as August 2011 has been tied to BP's failed Macondo well. Congressional leaders are demanding answers from the company about the ongoing oil release, and they also want to ensure BP pays fully for the damages caused by its 2010 disaster.
July 31, 2012 -
Activists with the National Immigrant Youth Alliance intentionally placed themselves in deportation proceedings in order to enter the Broward Transitional Center in Florida -- and they say they found scores of detainees who shouldn't be there under the Obama administration's revised deportation policies.
July 20, 2012 -
The "Peace Boat" exposes the barriers between affluent white Cuba and its largely non-white and impoverished population -- but also between generations of Cuban Americans.
April 9, 2012 -
The U.S. Senator from Florida is about to release his own version of an immigration reform bill that would offer legal status to undocumented students -- but without a pathway to citizenship.