Gulf Coast
November 15, 2005 -
Posted by R. Neal Congratulations to our host, the Institute for Southern Studies, on the launch of their Gulf Coast Reconstruction Watch project. Hey, it's an important job and somebody's gotta do it and the media doesn't seem all that interested.
November 14, 2005 -
We're excited to announce the launch of a big new project today at the Institute: Gulf Coast Reconstruction Watch.
November 9, 2005 -
The AP reports that the Minutemen, known for harassing Latino-looking people around the Mexican border, have expanded their mandate to urban settings in Alabama:
November 7, 2005 -
Hurricane Wilma hasn't received a lot of media play, but families in South Florida are facing a lot of the same problems as those in the Gulf Coast. Here's a dispatch from the Miami Worker's Center, a grassroots group that organizes low-income workers, about an event they hosted last Friday to bring attention to the situation:
November 3, 2005 -
While people were drowning and enduring the hell of Hurricane Katrina, FEMA Director Michael "Heckuva Job" Brown had other things on his mind, Knight Ridder reports:
November 2, 2005 -
Seems that disgust with FEMA's inability to act in the wake of the 2005 hurricanes is crossing party lines:
October 31, 2005 -
Newhouse News reporter Sean Reilly has stayed on the case of post-Katrina contracts in the Gulf, and has unearthed more dubious dealings, this time with a company called PBS&J. First there's the questionable revolving door of a FEMA-employee-turned-contractor-exec: