August 29, 2005 -
By R. Neal Those of us who have lived in Southern coastal states are all too familiar with hurricanes, but we haven’t seen anything like Katrina in over a decade. The last Category 5 hurricane to make landfall in the U.S. was, I believe, Andrew in 1992. It slammed Southern Florida and went on across the Gulf and slammed New Orleans.
August 25, 2005 -
[The Institute for Southern Studies released a new report today about the South's unique ties to the military and foreign policy. Here's the press release -- the full report will be up soon. UPDATE: You can read the full report here (pdf)]August 25, 2006SOUTHERNERS MOST AFFECTED BY WARNew report reveals Southern region most tied to,impacted by, U.S. military and foreign policy
August 25, 2005 -
The Palm Beach Post sums up the Rev.
August 24, 2005 -
My friend Max Sawicky beats me to the punch on the devastating blow a jury in Angleton, Texas dealt to pharma giant Merck this week.
August 24, 2005 -
For those enjoying the spectacle of Rev.
August 24, 2005 -
It's not getting a lot of press, but disability rights advocates and their allies are in their tenth week of a sit-in at Gov. Phil Bredesen's (D) office in Tennessee.