August 30, 2005 -
By R. Neal A new report by the Census Bureau says that the number of people living in poverty in the U.S. has increased by 1.1 million since 2003:
August 30, 2005 -
By R. Neal In addition to looting, price gouging, home repair scams, and insurance fraud, there are always those looking to exploit victims of natural disasters, especially via telephone solicitation and the internet.
August 30, 2005 -
By R. Neal Some reports on relief efforts: (Click on the "there's more" link below for the rest of the article...)
August 30, 2005 -
By R. Neal The U.S. military and National Guard units around the South are mobilizing in response to Katrina. Here are some reports: (Click on the "there's more" link below for the rest of the article...)
August 30, 2005 -
By R. Neal The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is mounting a massive response in the wake of Katrina's devastation: (Click on the "there's more" link below for the rest of the article...)
August 30, 2005 -
By R. Neal Lousiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco said on CNN last night that the situation was "dire." Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour called it "catastrophic."
August 29, 2005 -
By R. Neal