June 8, 2006 -
We're back in New Orleans for the Institute's Gulf Coast Reconstruction Watch project (check out the new website, still in progress).
June 7, 2006 -
The Senate is
June 7, 2006 -
As Rep. Katherine Harris's campaign for Senate continues its seemingly relentless slide, her fellow Republicans are growing more resigned about the outcome. As USA Today reports,
June 6, 2006 -
The Center for American Progress conducted a poll to find out what Americans think about morality and politics (as opposed to what we are told to believe by our elected representatives in Congress). The findings were interesting:
June 6, 2006 -
The irony and hypocrisy surrounding the issue of marriage abounds, as evidenced by this:
June 6, 2006 -
A new report by the Southern Growth Policy Board says:
June 5, 2006 -
How far do Southern conservatives want to go in eliminating the seperation between church and state? Very far, if this report from the Dallas Morning News about the faith-based fireworks at last week's Texas state Republican convention are any indication: