June 26, 2006 -
One of the few bright spots in the Defense Authorization Bill passed by the Senate last week (SB 2766) was an amendment including protections for military families from predatory lending abuses. Senator Jim Talent (R-MO) and Senator Bill Nelson (D-FLA) led the way in pushing for the amendment, which was included in the bill that passed the full Senate late Thursday.
June 26, 2006 -
Most of what's said about the "costs" of the Iraq war is about dead U.S. soldiers and squandered billions in money. Both are huge tragedies, but neither come close to the scale of horror inflicted on innocent people in Iraq. Stories like this one in today's LA Times are few and far between:
June 23, 2006 -
The Economic Policy Institute has the latest figures on skyrocketing CEO pay, and how it compares to the earnings of average U.S. workers:
June 23, 2006 -
North Carolina is poised to take a very important step towards "clean elections," reforms that get special interest money out, and a people's voice in.
June 23, 2006 -
David Sirota highlights some good news for workers and labor in the South:
June 22, 2006 -
When asked to comment on why he and other House Republicans from the South were holding up renewal of the Voting Rights Act, here's how one representative from Texas responded:
June 22, 2006 -
It's been said that the President and Congress can dicker all they want about the economy, but it's the Federal Reserve Board that really calls the shots.