July 17, 2008 -
Despite his green media image, Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers is facing a fight from environmental advocates over his plans to build a polluting new coal-fired power plant in western North Carolina.
July 17, 2008 -
There will be a grand-opening celebration next month for a new pediatric clinic in the impoverished and predominantly African-American community of West Anniston, Ala.
July 16, 2008 -
This Thursday afternoon, July 17, I'll be on Doug Henwood's "Behind the News" show on New York City's WBAI radio, discussing so-called "clean coal" technology.
July 16, 2008 -
Last month, Facing South reported on the CNN investigation that revealed $85 million in household goods and supplies earmarked for Gulf Coast hurricane survivors were given away to unaffected areas of the country.
July 15, 2008 -
The Florida Public Service Commission today unanimously approved Progress Energy's proposal for two new nuclear reactors on an undeveloped site in Levy County.
July 15, 2008 -
Ralph Nader is back, running for president as an independent challenging corporate power. While his campaign has received little media attention since its February launch, it's gotten a boost recently from left-leaning voters upset over Sen.
July 15, 2008 -
Facing South will be heading to Netroots Nation this Thursday, which we are pleased to see is being held here in the South (Austin, Texas).