July 21, 2008 -
First came all the good news about the explosion of interest in Election 2008 -- skyrocketing registration, high primary turnout. Now come the darker warnings: is our patch-work national election system ready for an engaged electorate?
July 18, 2008 -
When we launched our Friday dogblogging feature earlier this year, we mentioned Southerners' special love for canines. But an honest understanding of dogs' history in our region also recognizes how the animals were used to brutalize Southerners and Southern progress.
July 18, 2008 -
I had a good conversation yesterday about they myth of so-called "clean coal" with business journalist Doug Henwood on New York's WBAI radio. You can find the interview archived online here by scrolling down to the Thursday, July 17 edition of "Behind the News."
July 18, 2008 -
The following commentary appeared in this week's Institute e-newsletter. To sign up and have it delivered free to your email inbox, sign up in the box in the upper right hand corner.
July 18, 2008 -
This week the remaining residents were moved from the large h
July 18, 2008 -
Researchers at Duke University want to update the history and statistics of 20th Century social change in the South, combining social science research with narrative, oral histories with statistics, in a new Center for the Study of the South.
July 17, 2008 -
Mayor Frank Melton and his two police bodyguards, Michael Recio and Marcus Wright, were indicted last week on three counts each of conspiracy and violating the civil rights of an owner of a private residence and the man who lived in the house. They were indicted yesterday, and all three men pleaded not guilty.