October 10, 2008 -
That Wachovia was giving this bailout to the NRCC even as it was denying credit and freezing assets to thousands of small businesses, individuals and institutions including nearly 1,000 colleges who urgently need the money for salaries and other costs.
October 10, 2008 -
Indigenous communities across areas of Louisiana hit hardest
October 10, 2008 -
Public Policy Polling has an interesting new study out that bucks the media storyline about why Barack Obama is making gains in Southern states like Florida, North Carolina and Virginia.
October 9, 2008 -
According to observers, Greenville, S.C. today looks like a ghost town.
October 9, 2008 -
USA Today reports that polling places in six battleground states, including many with large minority populations, could be overwhelmed on Nov. 4.
October 9, 2008 -
Tens of thousands of voters in at least six key states - Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Nevada and North Carolina - may have been improperly purged from voter registration rolls.