October 17, 2008 -
The much-hyped accusations of voter fraud by ACORN came to a head this week when John McCain suggested they threatened "the fabric of democracy."
October 17, 2008 -
The Times-Picayune reports that through the six hours of presidential and vice presidential debates during the past month, New Orleans was mentioned only once. This one mention was made this past Wednesday night, in a quick reference by John McCain in support of charter schools.
October 17, 2008 -
The Associated Press is reporting that the NAACP will have lawyers targeting 750 precincts around the country where there has been a history of voter discrimination on Nov. 4, with plans to address complaints about possible voter disenfranchisement wherever they are made.
October 17, 2008 -
A few voter protection call-to-action items from United for Peace and Justice: Protecting Election Integrity -- Making Sure Every Vote Counts With the election less than a month away, now is the time to make sure that every vote is cast and counted!
October 17, 2008 -
Having trouble sorting out which of the rumors about voting you've heard are real and which are urban legends? Bob Hall at the election watchdog group Democracy North Carolina offers a list of 20 handy tips for NC voters: (NOTE: The law might be different in your state!)
October 17, 2008 -
The North Carolina State Board of Elections is reporting that over 100,000 voters cast ballots yesterday, the first day of early voting in the state. In that one day, Democrats had the clear advantage:
October 16, 2008 -
This Nov. 4, voting machines will likely fail in one or more jurisdictions across the country, which is why it's so critical for states to prepare for potential problems in advance in order to prevent voter disenfranchisement.