August 20, 2015 -
Former Freedom Industries president Gary Southern also faces up to three years in prison for role in massive 2014 chemical leak.
August 19, 2015 -
Cities that resist federal immigration enforcement policies are being compared to very different chapters of the South's tortured racial history.
August 17, 2015 -
Civil rights veteran and Institute for Southern Studies co-founder Julian Bond was a staunch advocate for justice and human rights. In 1998, the Institute interviewed Bond about what progressives needed to do to bring lasting change in the South.
August 15, 2015 -
A three-part Institute investigation looked at the politics behind the push for Atlantic oil and gas development. It documented close ties between a group of pro-drilling governors and the energy industry and reported on the growing grassroots movement against offshore drilling.
August 14, 2015 -
An alliance of pro-drilling coastal state governors and the energy industry is pressing the Obama administration to open the Atlantic to oil and gas development. But a growing grassroots movement is fighting the plan, arguing that the environmental and economic risks are too great.
August 14, 2015 -
Southern governors, working in concert with energy industry lobbyists, are pressing the Obama administration to open ocean waters off the East Coast from Virginia to Georgia to oil and gas development. But a burgeoning grassroots movement bringing together environmentalists, business leaders and coastal residents is gaining momentum as it fights to block drilling in the Atlantic.
August 13, 2015 -
After a stint as North Carolina's budget director, discount retail magnate and Republican kingmaker Art Pope is back to spending money on electoral politics.