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November 3, 2015 -
News stories that ask what went wrong with the South too often fail to capture the context of its intergenerational poverty: centuries of enslavement and systemic discrimination that resulted in the immense racial disparities we see today. And it's not just a Southern problem — it's an American one.
August 20, 2015 -
We know school desegregation narrowed the racial achievement gap and dramatically improved the intergenerational mobility of black students in the South. So why isn't anyone talking about the importance of desegregating schools?
July 2, 2015 -
A new interactive map from the Urban Institute shows patterns of affluence across the country. Southern metro areas show clear clusters of affluence, indicating that resources and opportunities are concentrated in certain areas.
May 6, 2015 -
New data on inter-generational income mobility shows that the South is the region of the country with the lowest levels of upward mobility for children.
March 4, 2015 -
In sprawling metros of the South, residential segregation influences school quality, housing options, and transportation, and a disconnect often exists between low- and moderate-income neighborhoods and the location of good jobs.
October 21, 2014 -
A lack of upward mobility for young people is a bigger problem in the South than in any other U.S. region, according to a new report from MDC, a North Carolina-based research nonprofit that focuses on reducing poverty and addressing structural inequity.
September 16, 2013 -
The U.S. has witnessed a sharp climb in income inequality since the 1970s -- and its epicenter is not Wall Street but the South, where some metro areas have inequality on par with many third-world counties.