August 22, 2018 -
Responding to protesters' toppling of the "Silent Sam" Confederate monument on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus this week, the student government's undergraduate executive branch issued this powerful statement praising the action and calling for further steps to ensure that every student feels welcomed.
August 17, 2018 -
The entire West Virginia Supreme Court — already in the crosshairs of corporate special interests — was recently impeached by the Republican-controlled state House for overspending, lavish renovations, and, in the case of one justice, criminal corruption charges. But Democrats see what's happening as a GOP power grab that comes amid a broader trend of conservative attacks on the judiciary.
August 15, 2018 -
This year's highest-profile race featuring white-power themes is the Senate contest in Virginia, where Republican and Confederate apologist Corey Stewart is challenging incumbent Democrat Tim Kaine. Though trailing in the polls and fundraising, Stewart's controversial campaign has still managed to rake in over $1 million. Where is it coming from?
August 14, 2018 -
Several lawsuits seek to keep proposed state constitutional amendments off the ballot this November — and one filed by the state NAACP and Clean Air Carolina seeks to have the racially gerrymandered legislature declared illegitimate and blocked from changing the blueprint of state government.
August 9, 2018 -
With private prisons under scrutiny, some Southern states have moved away from contracting with them — but some have gone in the other direction. Where does your state stand?
August 3, 2018 -
Thirty years ago, the Institute for Southern Studies published a special issue of Southern Exposure magazine on the human rights crisis along the U.S. border with Mexico. Here we reprint "Valley So Low," about how asylum seekers from civil war-ravaged Central America were being arrested and held in immigrant detention centers in Texas — a story that sheds light on U.S. immigration policy today.
August 3, 2018 -
No chapter of the national Poor People's Campaign has faced bigger barriers in confronting state officials than Kentucky's, but it's soldiering on with a focus on voter mobilization and political education.