February 23, 2005 -
The central idea of Thomas Frank's fine book, What's the Matter with Kansas?, is that the modern right wing is powered by a contradiction: the grassroots, the ground troops of the movement, are recruited on the basis of a culture war against liberalism; but the politicians they put in power are conc
February 23, 2005 -
A roundup of some interesting news around the region:
February 22, 2005 -
Last Friday, there was a piece in the Washington Post about plans for anti-war protests on March 19, the 2nd anniversary of the Iraq war. The lead pointed to an important and growing constituency in the anti-war movement:
February 22, 2005 -
The New Orleans Times-Picayune ran a piece on Sunday that roughly summed up the two major camps that have emerged on the question of "how should Democrats approach the South."
February 22, 2005 -
Excellent news from the Associated Press today:
February 21, 2005 -
Last week, the Annenberg Public Policy Center released part of the results of its 2004 Election Survey, a national poll of registered voters.
February 21, 2005 -
A handful of interesting stories from over the weekend: