March 10, 2005 -
From 2001 to 2004, West Virginia was ravaged repeatedly by fierce flooding that caused $1.5 billion in damage. Collectively, the floods were one of the worst (and most underreported) natural disasters in U.S. history.
March 10, 2005 -
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers -- a group organizing low-wage workers in southwest Florida -- won a major victory in their battle with Taco Bell and its parent company, Louisville, KY-based Yum! Brands this week, as Reuters reports: Florida farm workers ended a three-year boycott of fast food chain Taco Bell on Tuesday after the company agreed to force its suppliers to pay a penny-per-pound surcharge on Florida tomatoes.
March 9, 2005 -
Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum's recently defeated bill would have raised the miminum wage by $1.10, but would also have banned states from passing laws that require minimum wages for tipped employees. Nathan Newman has thoughts on the wider implications of this kind of legislation:
March 9, 2005 -
Because of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, you're now more likely to bounce a check. 9/11 has been used to justify many things, but one of the more farfetched connections is to a piece of federal legislation called the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act (a.k.a. Check 21).
March 8, 2005 -
Workers at Lockheed Martin's aircraft plant in Marietta, Ga. (once represented in Congress by union-hating, defense-contractor-loving Newt Gingrich), have gone on strike, braving the wind and rain to start picketing today.
March 7, 2005 -
Our friend David Sirota reveals that Sen. George Allen (R-VA) has some explaining to do re: his support for Bush's budget that slashes Community Development Block Grants: CLAIM:
March 5, 2005 -
Of the many ways that Arkansas-based Wal-Mart endangers the public interest, one of the most insidious is how, by paying its workers low wages with almost no benefits, they force tens of thousands of employees to rely on state and federal public assistance programs to make ends meet.