April 11, 2005 -
A new study by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition finds that home lenders target African Americans and Latino consumers for high-interest, predatory loans, as reported in today's Washington Post:
April 11, 2005 -
Rep. Henry Waxman's (D-CA) Committee on Government Reform - Minority Office has released new findings about how Halliburton is using your taxpayer dollars.
April 11, 2005 -
Emboldened by last month's Senate vote to start drilling the Arctic Wildlife Refuge, the Associated Press reports today that energy interests now have their sites on a new target: the nation's coasts.
April 8, 2005 -
Like thousands of others, I'll be heading to the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival here in Durham, N.C. this weekend, widely regarded as the best documentary event in the country.
April 8, 2005 -
In today's Salon, Lou DuBose -- one of the best reporters on Texas politics around -- echoes my point Wednesday about how Tom DeLay has been able to stay in power despite years of scandal:
April 8, 2005 -
Yesterday, Wal-Mart warned the state of Maryland (an honorary Southern state in our book) that "approval of a bill that would require it to boost health care spending in Maryland could endanger its plans for growth in the state," reports the Washington Post.
April 7, 2005 -
The St. Petersburg Times reports on how the Hillsborough County (Florida) commission has voted to ban three-time felons from an indigent health care program run by the county. The health plan has fallen into financial crisis, and the change was presented as a way to cut costs.