April 15, 2005 -
Ah, Tax Day, the moment that all of us stand back to reflect on what it means to have a government and invest in the public good -- or, for the slackers amongst us, the day we scurry to get our returns in the mail.
April 14, 2005 -
Earlier this week, the 11th Circuit appeals court in Atlanta upheld Florida's law banning ex-felons from being able to vote. During the 2000 elections,
April 14, 2005 -
OK, sorry, no more lame puns. At least I don't go in for exterminator jokes.
April 14, 2005 -
In recent decades, most states have rejected electrocution, firing squads, hanging, and gas chambers as cruel and unusual, leaving lethal injection the most popular method of execution in this country.
April 14, 2005 -
Think that the residents of Southern red states like North Carolina don't want the government to do more about poverty? Think again.
April 13, 2005 -
In case you missed it, the St.
April 13, 2005 -
Inside the Beltway via Political Wire reports on political scientist James Fowler's attempt to determine the "most connected" legislators in the 108th Congr