February 5, 2009 -
The version of the economic stimulus plan proposed by President Obama could cut U.S. carbon dioxide emissions by at least 61 million metric tons annually -- an impact equivalent to taking 13 million cars off the road.
February 3, 2009 -
A new analysis of downstream water samples taken in the weeks following the massive coal ash spill at the Tennessee Valley Authority's Kingston power plant shows levels of heavy-metal contamination that exceed safety standards.
February 3, 2009 -
Borrowing a strategy from the Southern Freedom Movement and other successful people's uprisings throughout U.S. history, climate activists are planning a historic rally with mass civil disobedience next month at the U.S.
February 2, 2009 -
A new independent analysis of radioactive contamination from the TVA coal ash spill suggests the company downplayed the risk.
February 2, 2009 -
A black male born in Mississippi today can expect a shorter life span than the average American in 1960. A black woman in Mississippi earns less today than the typical American in 1960.