August 24, 2010 -
This story was reported by Sabrina Shankman and Tom Jennings of Frontline,
August 24, 2010 -
Amount Florida utilities want to bill their customers in advance for planned new nuclear reactors: $200 million
August 24, 2010 -
By Sasha Chavkin, ProPublica Yesterday, independent paymaster Kenneth Feinberg took the reins from BP in managing damage claims from the Gulf oil spill. He has promised to make sweeping improvements in BP's system, which has been criticized by applicants as slow, bureaucratic and lacking in transparency. Our checklist of the fixes that Feinberg has promised describes the changes claimants can expect as Feinberg's Gulf Coast Claims Facility
August 20, 2010 -
According to a recent study, percent of households living within 10 miles of the Gulf coastline that have seen income drop because of the BP oil disaster: 20.6
August 19, 2010 -
As shrimping season opened this week along the Louisiana coast, environmental and community groups called
August 19, 2010 -
To understand where the hurricane protection system for New Orleans stands today, it's helpful to go back to 1965.