September 22, 2008 -
Nuclear power foes are celebrating a small victory this week: In the wake of last Wednesday's national call-in day against unlimited taxpayer loan guarantees for new nuclear reactors, the so-called "Gang of 20" senators who were pushing a bipartisan compromise energy bill co
September 22, 2008 -
Barack Obama isn't willing to give up on North Carolina. In fact, the Obama has been investing precious energy and resources in the state. Consider the evidence: * Sen. Obama drew a crowd of more than 15,000 in a Sunday speech in Charlotte yesterday.
September 22, 2008 -
The federal Environmental Protection Agency is expected to rule as early as today that it won't set a drinking-water safety standard for perchlorate, a chemical found in rocket fuel that has been linked to thyroid problems in pregnant women, babies and young children, the Washington Post
September 22, 2008 -
Hurricanes, flooding, and coastal erosion continue to threaten many indigenous communities across coastal Louisiana.
September 22, 2008 -
Election 2008 has arrived. Even though there hasn't been a single presidential debate yet, thousands of voters will start casting their ballots this week as early voting kicks off in several states. USA Today reports:
September 19, 2008 -
According to a new report from the Government Accountability Office, the country's large disaster-response charities are not equipped to respond adequately to a catastrophic event like Hurricane Katrina or a major earthquake, or to address fully the need for food and shelter, the New York Times
September 19, 2008 -
Scattered across walls throughout Southwest Central Durham, N