August 6, 2005 -
Sorry for the lack of posts -- the blog's been inexplicably out of commission. Hopefully the problems are fixed!
August 5, 2005 -
As states across the country release their education "report cards," the Christian Science Monitor has a good piece up today about why the nation's math and reading scores went up this year. In short, it was the South:
August 4, 2005 -
On Tuesday, Bush signed CAFTA into law after almost two years of political battle. Before it completely slips off the media radar, it's worthwhile to step back and stake stock of what could be a long-term victory for progressives (and not just in the rah-rah, "we lost but we won" sense).
August 3, 2005 -
Last month, Toyota made a decision that didn't get a lot of press, but sent ripples of concern through state houses across the South.
August 2, 2005 -
Atlanta Journal-Constitution columnist Jim Wooten deplores a recent lawsuit brought by 51 local school systems alleging inadequate funding for education by the state of Georgia.
August 1, 2005 -
President Bush finally made it to the Boy Scouts' national jamboree in Virginia yesterday.
August 1, 2005 -
Here's something to mull over while paying bills or pumping $2.00-a-gallon gas: the Atlanta Journal-Constitution's list of the highest-paid Georgia CEOs in 2004 (reg req'd).