April 5, 2005 -
While weekend news was dominated by coverage of John Paul's death, another important personage slipped into the hereafter almost unnoticed -- Frank Perdue, CEO of Perdue Farms, who was his company's public face for twenty years.
April 5, 2005 -
Dontcha love college basketball?
April 4, 2005 -
On April 4, 1968, a shot rang through a throng of striking garbage workers in Memphis, Tennessee. Who fired the gun is still being debated, but the result is not: Martin Luther King, Jr., was killed at the young age of 39 on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel.
April 1, 2005 -
From the Birmingham News (reg req'd):
April 1, 2005 -
Amanda Marcotte at Pandagon says that "Southern women are already feminists, they just don't know it yet." Check out her post on Loretta Lynn and finding the heart of the South:
March 31, 2005 -
by Pam Spaulding of Pam's House Blend and Big Brass Blog
March 31, 2005 -
by Pam Spaulding of Pam's House Blend and Big Brass Blog