December 21, 2005 -
In case you missed it, one of the more astounding moments in last week's Congressional hearings about Hurricane Katrina was seeing a series of Republican lawmakers claim that Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco was personally responsible for the 1,086 known to have died in the storm.
December 20, 2005 -
Posted by R. Neal Here's a great article in this week's Rolling Stone:
December 20, 2005 -
Posted by R. Neal The local paper asked readers to vote for the top ten East Tennesseans. They came up with a pretty impressive list. Here are the results: 1. Dolly Parton: "It costs a lot of money to look this cheap!"
December 20, 2005 -
I missed the "unofficial" announcement last Friday -- but now it's official: one of my favorite bloggers (and my Durham homey) Pam Spaulding of Pam's House Blend ("always steamin'") has won a 2005 Weblog Award for &q
December 19, 2005 -
Two Southern Democrats -- one black, one white -- issued the strongest statements yet against disclosures htat President Bush broke the law in authorizing domestic eavesdropping. Via Political Wire:
December 19, 2005 -
A "Big Victory" -- that's how the Sun-Herald of Southern Mississippi (Biloxi) describes today's news that the House and Senate voted at 4 a.m. this morning to approve $29 billion in spending for hurricane relief.
December 19, 2005 -
Bush's address about Iraq last night highlighted his new PR strategy for selling Iraq: in the face of widespread public demoralization about the war, the White House is going to keeping talking about how close we are to "victory" and "winning" the war (a strategy master-minded by