April 6, 2006 -
Despite DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff's admonition that people have a civic duty to take responsibility for their own emergency preparedness and recovery, that just got a
April 6, 2006 -
You're probably aware that the Duke Lacrosse coach resigned yesterday, and the rest of the season has been canceled. There were also more disturbing revelations, but still no arrests.UPDATE: Rush Limbaugh calls the rape victim a "ho" on national right-wing radio.
April 6, 2006 -
Bush is coming to North Carolina to pump up support for the war effort. But the polls show that residents of North Carolina -- which bills itself "the most military friendly state in the country" -- are increasingly disillusioned with his foreign policy.
April 5, 2006 -
Think that last week's explosive Latino protests we
April 5, 2006 -
Best-selling author (and Institute board member) Tim Tyson has an e
April 5, 2006 -
This week, a coalition of groups -- including ACORN, AFL-CIO, NAACP, NC Council of Churches, NC Justice Center, and Institute for Southern Studies -- are launching a new coalition: North Carolinians for Fair Wages. The coalition's immediate goal is to pass an 85 cent increase in the state minimum wage in 2006, which has a very good chance of passing.
April 4, 2006 -
Here's an interesting column from a local paper about a Halliburton/Virginia DOT scheme to widen I-81 to eight lanes through the Shenandoah Valley to accommodate more truck freight. The writer explains why this isn't such a swell idea, and proposes a common-sense alternative.