May 1, 2006 -
Roberto Lovato, a journalist with New America Media, has a compelling piece about today's May Day immigrant boycott.
May 1, 2006 -
20,000 in Orlando, thousands more in rest of Florida ...
May 1, 2006 -
May 1, 2006 -
Usually, May Day -- celebrated world-wide as International Workers Day -- is ignored by most Americans. But this year promises to be different, thanks entirely to the growing movement for immigrant rights.
April 28, 2006 -
The scandal season is still in full bloom, claiming ethically challenged lawmakers across the political aisle. Two recent items of a Southern flavor (hat tip to TPM Muckraker):
April 28, 2006 -
Over at TAPPED, Matthew Yglesias notes a recent report by the Congressional Research Service (covered in the Washington Post) analyzing spending for the Iraq war. Apparently it's a slow read until the end:
April 27, 2006 -
Congress has refused to increase the minimum wage in over a decade, even though the value of the minimum wage, thanks to inflation, is 24% less than it was in 1979, and 7.3 million workers would benefit from an increase.