July 28, 2006 -
Until 2004, North Carolina was considered a fairly stingy state when it came to "development subsidies" -- the over $50 billion a year in tax breaks and other give-aways that states and localities pay to attract business.
July 28, 2006 -
At times, it can seem that the escalating Lebanon/Israel conflict is a distant battle over which the U.S. -- aside from the ocassional diplomatic visit -- has little control. But as the Institute showed in its report "The South at War," we're more closely implicated than we think, especially south of the Mason/Dixon line.
July 28, 2006 -
Of the people hurt most by Hurricane Katrina -- poor and working-class residents, African-Americans -- especially hard-hit were the elderly.
July 28, 2006 -
(Copyright (C) 2006 R. Neal. Click image for larger view)
July 27, 2006 -
At least there are some positive side benefits to otherwise silly or downright ugly election year politics:
July 27, 2006 -
By way of C.E. Petro, Mother Jones has a report on some statistics entitled "How the poor get dinged at every turn." Here is a random sampling:
July 26, 2006 -
Houston-based Halliburton, which to many had become synonymous with "contract abuse" after high-profile scandals in Iraq, may finally be taking a financial hit for its controversial dealings.