March 27, 2007 -
There's been some interesting movement of late in the Republican Party to draft former Tennessee U.S. Senator and actor Fred Thompson to run for president in 2008. Although he won't say for sure if he's running, he has not ruled it out and appears to be testing the waters (and that's an understatement).
March 26, 2007 -
The excellent Pew Center has released a new poll on Iraq, and the results are surprising. The main finding is that the public supports the House plan for withdrawal by August 2008:
March 26, 2007 -
The Attorney General scandal is now moving beyond questions of "who said what, and when did they say it" to the deeper issue of the political agenda that motivated the firings: rolling back voting rights.
March 23, 2007 -
In the most contentious debate to open among progressives since Democrats took control of Congress this year, Rep. Nancy Pelosi successfully navigated a $124 billion package to finance war in Afghanistan and Iraq, while also requiring that combat operations cease by September 2008.
March 23, 2007 -
We wrote two weeks ago about one of the more startling examples of cronyism to emerge from the U.S. attorney scandal now engulfing Washington: the brazen move to replace Arkansas' Eastern District attorney Bud Cummins with Karl Rove's chosen replacement, J. Timothy Griffin.
March 22, 2007 -
Here at Facing South, we've been following the attempted political revival of ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (GA-R).
March 22, 2007 -
The 2007 State New Economy Index by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation examines a number of key indicators in every state to assess their ability to compete in the emerging global economy.