February 28, 2008 -
The same day South Florida was paralyzed by a massive and still-mysterious power outage following a fire in an electrical substation, Texas narrowly avoided rolling blackouts after a sudden drop in wind in the western part of the state, where wind turbines are concentrated.
February 28, 2008 -
In case you have somehow missed it, earlier in the week the Tennessee Republican Party put out an official press release referring to Barack "Hussein" Obama's "anti-Semite" positions, featuring the Drudge photo of Obama in Somali traditional garb. From the Knoxville News Sentinel yesterday:
February 28, 2008 -
Conservative icon William F. Buckley was found dead today in his Connecticut study at the age of 82. The magazine he founded is in mourning, with tributes on the National Review's Web site from political heavyweights like Sen. John McCain, who deems Buckley a "Great American."
February 27, 2008 -
At the same time public housing complexes in New Orleans are being torn down and redeveloped into mixed-income communities with less space for the poorest families, Mayor Ray Nagin has announced his intent to push the homeless people who've been living under Interstate 10 near the French Quarter into a tarp-covered barrack.
February 27, 2008 -
Because utilities in the South operate under a traditional rate regulatory structure that encourages investment in new plants and limits competition, companies seeking to develop nuclear power facilities in order to take advantage of federal tax incentives are drawn to the region -- even though it already has a surplus of idle generation.
February 27, 2008 -
A top executive at WHNT in Huntsville, Ala. denies that his TV station intentionally blacked out the CBS "60 Minutes" report about the politically motivated prosecution of former Gov.
February 26, 2008 -
A major power outage across South Florida today brought normal life screeching to a halt, as traffic signals, schools, homes, and workplaces went dark around 1 p.m. At the peak of the outage, about 700,000 customers were left without power.