April 14, 2008 -
Sen. Barack Obama is still in the driver's seat for the North Carolina primaries next month.
April 11, 2008 -
The December 2006 murder of Hot 8 Brass Band drummer and high school music teacher Dinerral Shavers shocked New Orleans.
April 11, 2008 -
Last week Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour signed into law a measure that renews the state's ban on hog-dog fighting, first passed in 2006.
April 10, 2008 -
We here at the Institute for Southern Studies are among the co-sponsors of a discussion series on immigration taking place in Chapel Hill, N.C. This Sunday brings the series' second session, focusing on economics and immigration.
April 10, 2008 -
American Indians and their allies from across North Carolina gathered at the state Capitol yesterday to demand the firing of a Clear Channel station disc jockey who made denigrating remarks about indigenous people.
April 10, 2008 -
Polls show Sen. Barack Obama has a commanding lead in North Carolina -- but are operatives in the N.C. Democratic Party favoring Sen. Hillary Clinton? They are on at least one big issue: a proposed debate between the Democratic presidential candidates.
April 10, 2008 -
As noted here recently, the South is experiencing explosive population growth and a changing demographic.