July 18, 2008 -
Researchers at Duke University want to update the history and statistics of 20th Century social change in the South, combining social science research with narrative, oral histories with statistics, in a new Center for the Study of the South.
July 17, 2008 -
Mayor Frank Melton and his two police bodyguards, Michael Recio and Marcus Wright, were indicted last week on three counts each of conspiracy and violating the civil rights of an owner of a private residence and the man who lived in the house. They were indicted yesterday, and all three men pleaded not guilty.
July 17, 2008 -
Despite his green media image, Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers is facing a fight from environmental advocates over his plans to build a polluting new coal-fired power plant in western North Carolina.
July 17, 2008 -
There will be a grand-opening celebration next month for a new pediatric clinic in the impoverished and predominantly African-American community of West Anniston, Ala.
July 16, 2008 -
This Thursday afternoon, July 17, I'll be on Doug Henwood's "Behind the News" show on New York City's WBAI radio, discussing so-called "clean coal" technology.
July 16, 2008 -
Last month, Facing South reported on the CNN investigation that revealed $85 million in household goods and supplies earmarked for Gulf Coast hurricane survivors were given away to unaffected areas of the country.
July 15, 2008 -
The Florida Public Service Commission today unanimously approved Progress Energy's proposal for two new nuclear reactors on an undeveloped site in Levy County.