October 21, 2008 -
This marks the 10th year since the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement were presented to the United Nations.
October 21, 2008 -
I'll be talking about early voting and voting rights with Warren Olney, host of the syndicated radio show "To the Point" today at 2:45 pm. "To the Point" is co-produced by KCRW, Southern California's leading NPR affiliate, and Public Radio International.
October 21, 2008 -
Yesterday we reported on the undervote problem in North Carolina -- votes that are cast but don't register a vote for president. In 2004, N.C.
October 21, 2008 -
California is seeing a slew of gay couples rushing to get marriage licenses this month, a movement that is only expected to accelerate over the next three weeks.
October 21, 2008 -
Appalachian residents and policymakers are divided over President Bush's recent expansion of Appalachia's geographic boundaries.
October 20, 2008 -
The Government Accountability Office has found two of the five U.S. labs that conduct research on some of the world's deadliest germs come up short on security.
October 20, 2008 -
In the wake of Hurricane Ike, the housing crisis has grown so severe in some parts of Texas that local officials are asking the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide the same kind of formaldehyde-emitting travel trailers that caused serious health problems for Gulf Coast residents following Hurricane Katrina.