February 12, 2009 -
By Julian BondThe following is excerpted from a speech to the AFL-CIO 25th Constitutional Convention in July, 2007.I know the mutual benefits that grew from the historic alliance between organized labor and the movement for civil rights--benefits we all must work to strengthen and extend today.
February 6, 2009 -
Not all of the coal ash produced by power plants ends up in surface impoundments like the one that collapsed at the Tennessee Valley Authority's Kingston plant in eastern Tennessee. Some of it ends up being mixed with sewage sludge and other waste and spread on food crops -- especially in the South.
February 3, 2009 -
A new analysis of downstream water samples taken in the weeks following the massive coal ash spill at the Tennessee Valley Authority's Kingston power plant shows levels of heavy-metal contamination that exceed safety standards.
February 3, 2009 -
Borrowing a strategy from the Southern Freedom Movement and other successful people's uprisings throughout U.S. history, climate activists are planning a historic rally with mass civil disobedience next month at the U.S.
January 27, 2009 -
Last month's catastrophic