January 21, 2010 -
A 1,500-year-old sacred Indian mound in Oxford, Ala. has apparently been destroyed to make way for a new municipal sports complex. The site in question is near another Indian mound in Oxford that was threatened last year by construction of a Sam's Club warehouse store.
January 20, 2010 -
By Sasha Kramer, New America Media
January 15, 2010 -
Answering the call of human-rights advocates, the Obama administration granted temporary protected status to Haitian nationals living in the United States as of Jan. 12. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano made the announcement this afternoon:
January 15, 2010 -
The following is another dispatch from Bill Quigley, long-time advocate for human rights in Haiti, as well as a leading advocate in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Facing South published Quigley's earlier piece yesterday, "10 Things the U.S. Can and Should do for Haiti."
January 15, 2010 -
After this week's devastating earthquake, the people of Haiti desperately need our help.
January 14, 2010 -
By Bill Quigley 1. Allow all Haitians in the U.S. to work. The number one source of money for poor people in Haiti is the money sent from family and workers in the U.S. back home. Haitians will continue to help themselves if given a chance. Haitians in the U.S. will continue to help when the world community moves on to other problems.
January 14, 2010 -
A Catholic Relief Services official is calling Haiti's devastating earthquake this week "the disaster of the century."