April 7, 2011 -
We've been saying at News Taco how Texas has become the face of the new America, where Latinos have grown in numbers and influence, where most of the kids in public schools are Latino, where, as demographer
April 6, 2011 -
It's official: The South's Latino communities are the fastest-growing in the country. On March 24, the final batch of 2010 Census data was released, and the results were striking: The number of U.S. residents identifying as Hispanic rose 43 percent over the past decade, accounting for 56 percent of the nation's total population increase -- a rate of growth far beyond earlier Census projections.
April 1, 2011 -
Arkansas latest in series of defeats for voter photo ID bills
March 31, 2011 -
By Claudia Rowe, Equal Voice Newspaper
March 31, 2011 -
What happens when the country's largest Legislative Black Caucus comes face to face with nine thousand immigrants -- many of them declaring themselves as undocumented -- chanting aqui estamos, y no nos vamos! (we are here, and we're not leaving!)? Love. Or a mad crush, at least.
March 30, 2011 -
By Lisa Evans, Earthjustice
March 28, 2011 -
Greenpeace is holding more than 160 candlelight vigils across the United States today to show support for the people of Japan as they continue to deal with the impacts of the March 11 earthquake, tsunami and still-unfolding crisis at the Fukushima nuclear plant.