June 8, 2012 -
Mountaintop removal activist Maria Gunnoe of West Virginia was questioned about child porn by U.S. Capitol Police after submitting a photo of a child bathing in mine-polluted water to a House committee chaired by a lawmaker who counts coal companies among his biggest contributors.
June 7, 2012 -
Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker's victory in this week's recall election is being called a crushing blow to organized labor, but the grassroots are stirring across the land -- even in the anti-union South.
June 7, 2012 -
After a federal judge rules Florida's laws on voter registration are too restrictive, groups like the League of Women Voters are back in action. But the state is digging in on a plan to flag and possibly purge thousands of voters, even though the data questioning their citizenship is riddled with errors.
June 6, 2012 -
Conservative political activists connected to Wal-Mart and Amway are funding a campaign to funnel public money to religious and other private schools.
June 5, 2012 -
Republican claims of alleged voter fraud have convinced legions of Americans that massive numbers of mostly blacks and Hispanics with the connivance of Democrats are knowingly breaking the law to vote against the GOP -- when in reality it's just the opposite.
June 4, 2012 -
Women With a Vision, a nonprofit that works to address the HIV/AIDS crisis in communities of color, is opening a temporary office in a church today after someone set fire to its offices last month. The attack comes amid escalating terroristic attacks against women's health organizations across the South.
June 1, 2012 -
The campaign calling on companies to sever ties with the American Legislative Exchange Council is one of the most successful corporate accountability initiatives in history, but it now faces the challenge of persuading those unfazed by consumer unrest.