July 23, 2012 -
The $2 billion to be poured into nuclear fleet upgrades turns the Duke-Progress merger into a public soaking instead of a public saving -- which violates the deal's key legal standard.
July 20, 2012 -
The "Peace Boat" exposes the barriers between affluent white Cuba and its largely non-white and impoverished population -- but also between generations of Cuban Americans.
July 20, 2012 -
This week Senate Republicans killed the DISCLOSE Act, which would have expanded transparency requirements for political money. We take a by-the-numbers look at the bill's failure -- and why it matters.
July 20, 2012 -
Frank Gaffney Jr. of Virginia wrote the controversial report that five members of Congress cited in calling for a probe into alleged Islamist infiltration of the U.S. government. Now known for his anti-Muslim extremism, including efforts against an Islamic center in Tennessee, Gaffney played a key role in shaping U.S. security policy after 9/11.
July 19, 2012 -
The American Tradition Institute, a conservative think tank with ties to fossil-fuel interests, is continuing its campaign to discredit prominent climate scientists using freedom of information requests - and it's particularly interested in their communications with journalists.
July 18, 2012 -
With billions of dollars in Clean Water Act fines for the BP disaster slated to go to Gulf states, the region's businessmen and political leaders are talking about using the money for purposes other than ecosystem restoration. Gulf Coast citizens and advocates need to follow the money and demand accountability.
July 17, 2012 -
A new report finds that more than 4 million Southern citizens are blocked from voting by laws that deny citizenship to those with a felony on their record. In a state like Florida, it could tip the election.